Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12

Sunday mornings are quite hectic at our house.  As you can probably imagine, getting 5 females and one fella fed, spiffed up and in the car on time to make it to church before the first hymn, can be challenging.   This morning was no exception, thankfully nothing too crazy happened.  Lee has taken on the job of filling in for the base chaplain at the chapel on Norfolk Navy base, so we are on our way there instead of our usual Providence Baptist.  It's about an hour ride so I'm blogging this morning on the fly. 
 Lee was up first making a pot of coffee.  The aroma helped me crawl out of bed reluctantly.  I like a cup of iced coffee in the morning so my sweetheart poured up the leftovers from last nights pot and saved it for my wake up drink.  What a guy!  I got going on putting together something for lunch after church.  We'll be having a baked pasta with garlic bread, YUM~O!  One by one my sleepy headed girls dragged themselves into the kitchen as their daddy went around rolling them out of their individual beds.  Thankfully we had a box of Krispy Kreme donuts ready and waiting for them to eat for breakfast.  We should not be hearing the all too common stomach rumbling from Holly's general direction while everyone else is quiet at church.  The doggies were all taken outside and fed.  Facebook was checked, showers taken and the search for the right pair of shoes ensued.  Skirt length and outfits were Ok'd, hair brushed and braided and fretted over. Pasta lunch was finished and put in the fridge, zipper on a skirt repaired, make-up put on and bibles and purses located.  The truck was loaded and the house waslocked when someone yelled, "Holly's not in here!"  House was unlocked again and Holly was fetched.  Now were halfway through our drive through the beautiful Virginia countryside on our way to the words largest Navy base. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us today. I hope you all have a wonderful Lord's day.

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