Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Funny

How is this for being on top of things?  It's only 12 minutes into Friday and I'm already posting Friday's Funny.  We had to stay up this late to watch the American fellas dominate the beach volleyball competition.  Priorities people!!!  This Olympics is really messing with my sleep time.  Ok, on to today's funny.

A little background:
The station pictured below is a gas station/mini mart on the highway not too far from our house.  I got a few strange looks from the folks inside when we rolled up in our big Suburban, rolled down the window and pointed a camera in their general direction.  Lee was urging me (in his nervous, I can't believe you dragged me into this voice) to get this shot quickly.  I guess he was hoping that no one would return a shot.  Notice that they claim to treat you like kin.  I'm not sure that is really a good thing considering how some families treat each other.
A few days ago the following conversation was overheard after just leaving the house in Jet Puff (the Suburban).

Lee: This truck is almost empty.  We need to go get some gas.

Holly: We could go to that station where they treat you like kin.

Gracie: Who's Ken?


Stephanie said...

Gracie is very cute!
I have never seen a sign like that either.

jaci said...

Oh, that was funny! Thanks for the laugh, Rebecca!

Deanna said...

Random favorite.

I need to get a picture of my favorite convenience store -- Kum and Go. I simply cannot imagine how anyone thought that would be a good name for a chain of stores. On the other hand, it has provided David and me with so many opportunities for humorous comments whenever we see one.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!Love the conversation!!

Oh please come back to Guam. We'd have some fun over here running around at all the sights!!

Remember the green dinosaur?
