Friday, February 26, 2010

My Sweetheart

I've been a little down in the dumps lately with a simple case of "Navy Wife Syndrome". The symptoms of this ailment vary in severity depending on the length of the deployment. Thankfully, this is not a deployment but just a 4 day class in another city. I predict that all of my symptoms will magically disappear tomorrow about the time supper rolls around. My sweetheart will be home and all will be right in MY world once again.
Here's a quick little lesson for those of you unfamiliar with the Navy life we lead. Our orders typically have us in one location (tour) for about 2-3 years. Generally speaking, a sailor will flip flop tours from sea duty in one location to shore duty at the next location. Don't let those tags fool you though. You cannot assume that just because you are on shore duty that you will remain on the shore. Also, sometimes a sailor on sea duty will never even catch a glimpse of the ocean. Sea duty simply means that you are deployable or that you are attached to a group that can be deployed. Right now, Lee is on shore duty. He may stay on the shore BUT his current job has him away from home pretty often for short periods of time. I will gladly trade him sleeping at home 25 nights out of the month over him not sleeping at home for 9 months at a stretch. To me though, absence is absence. Whether it's a weekend or a year I miss him terribly when he leaves. I texted him a few days ago to let him know that I thought I may be losing my edge as a hard core Navy wife. I'm happily getting used to having him around. If I am struggling to get through a 4 day absence, how will I cope during the next tour when we kiss each other goodbye for another 6 months or so? I don't even want to think about it!

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