Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I think I finally figured out the color for the background of the blog. I had to delve into the world of hexadecimal color code charts. It was not a world I would care to live in for very long. Who knew finding just the right shade of brown would be such a chore? Now you all know why my kitchen and den are still unpainted.
For me it usually all comes down to food and this color brown reminds me of coffee with cream. Hmmm... now I'm thinking Starbucks.... Great now I'm gonna need coffee every time I blog!

Speaking of coffee, look at my college girl studying. Smart girls study with a cup of coffee handy. Glasses on, highlighter poised, and alone in the dining room away from distractions. Except for the distraction of a pesky mom with a camera in her face determined to capture her every moment.


Jeanne said...

Way cool, Rebecca! I can give this info to my son and he can change mine, too! Awesome!

Thanks again!

Deanna said...

I happen to have a cup of coffee here at my side right now and you know what? It IS almost exactly the color of your background. :)
