Ever try washing a cat? I have and I was completely unsuccessful. Therefore, ever since that moment of failure I have figured that 1. cats were not meant to be washed by people and 2. people who attempt washing cats are destined to fail miserably. Even after all of my warnings and motherly/experiential wisdom was offered, the girls decided that Fraidy and Spooky needed a bath. Worse yet, they would use the fruity/flowery scented shampoo for said bath. I decided that some lessons must be learned the hard way. In a last ditch effort to steer them toward the dog (a much more willing bath taker) I yelled " I don't want to hear you moaning and groaning when you are all covered with cat scratches!". I also figured if nothing else I could get some good pictures of the ordeal. I know, I'm the picture of compassion. HA!
Spooky went first and proved to be a mighty warrior. The girls quickly realized that this would be a "4 sister battle" so Gracie and Abbie were recruited to help. Four girls against one feisty cat. It was a fierce battle, in the end the girls won but not without their war wounds. Spooky emerged wet and humiliated but smelling quite lovely. Fraidy was a much more willing subject. The girls had armed themselves for a fight but he did not even put up a fuss. He yowled a few times and that was it. So now we have two nice smelling cats and four girls who MIGHT listen to their momma next time. All of the cat washing pictures can be viewed in our picasa web album.
Hey it's Nana...first of all that was a funny story about the cats and girls...I can honestly say I've tried somewhat of the same thing...unfortunately my story ended much like yours though..one soaked human and a cat still not bathed.
Second, let Caitlin know that I LOVED her video! You really do have one amazing growing up young lady there, it's actually quite scary to think she's growing up as fast as she is... how fast they ALL are!
Lastly, please do give my love to everyone. I miss you guys and I can't wait until I can come up to see you all!
Much love,
Hi everyone,
That is the funnist story ever. Becky you need to be a writer. I
have laughed so hard that my sides are hurting. I'm still laughing as I try to type this message out to you guys. I have typed and retyped these words because I can
hardly control my laughter. Oh my goodness to have been there to see
this. Amazing. Love to everyone.
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