Thursday, October 30, 2008

Friday Funny-Stand In

I'm really not in a ha-ha funny mood today. It's been a tough week here at the Brown house. Lee's not here, I'm sore from working out and I dropped a piece of workout equipment on my face (oh now you're laughing eh?). Then we had the whole chicken tragedy. I know I should laugh, it would probably make me feel better, but for some reason my stash of Friday Funnies just, well, did not seem all that funny to me. Nothing jumped out at me screaming "Post me! Post me!". So I decided that we would change things up a little this week.
A few weeks ago I was tagged by another blogger with a meme. What's a meme? I'm glad you asked. I looked it up on Wikipedia because I figured inquiring minds like yours would want to know.
The term Internet meme is a neologism used to describe a catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from person to person via the Internet.
Clear as mud right? Think Hamster Dance, Numa Numa Song or The Evolution Of Dance, basically it's an internet forward.
So this meme has me naming 6 completely random facts about myself. I should be pretty good at this one because I am nothing if not random, Rebecca Random Brown.
At the end I am supposed to tag 3 other bloggers to do the same, so stay tuned.

Here we go:
1. I LOVE Sonic Cherry Lime-Aids and Rice Krispy Treats but not together.
2. I am not too crazy about other peoples kids.  I have to get to know them and on rare occasions they grow on me.  
3. My toenails have not seen the light of day since Holly was born in '95.  Well, occasionally I have to change the polish but that is always done quickly.
4. If I could be any animal for a day or two it would be an otter.  I also wish my dog could talk. Snickers only, not Wrigley.
5. Seeing pictures of skin rashes creeps me out.
6.  I think I have the best husband in the world.
Ok now it is my turn to do the tagging.  Let's see....  I tag Amy, Ambre and Jennifer.  Go for it girls!

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