Sunday, February 17, 2008

Brag About Your Hubby Day

The occasional "man joke" is funny, I admit.  We women can be quite quirky and funny too sometimes.  What are we if we cannot laugh at ourselves every now and then? Here's the thing though, I recently received a man bashing  forward  via email that was just too much.  It was harsh in my opinion and made every guy out there sound like a bumbling idiot among other things I cannot mention on my G rated blog.  So today is the day I do a little bragging about my sweetheart, the man God gave me.  You should too, and while you are at it, let your man know you are proud of him and that you appreciate all that he does to take care of you and the kiddos (if you have any).  Remember too that he is what he is - not perfect, but you are the only wife he has and it's your job to edify him.  If you let him know you are grateful for him he will want to live up to that.  
PS I copied this little quiz off of a friends blog (thanks Deanna).  Feel free to copy it for yourself from here.

What is his name: Lee
How long have you been married: it will be 18 years in July
How long did you date: 3 months
How old is he: 38
How old are you: 37
Who eats more sweets:  that would be hard to say, we both have a pretty big sweet tooth
Whose parents do you see most: mine I think
Who said I love you first: he did
Who is taller: he is
Who can sing better: we sound great together
Who is smarter: him 
Who does the laundry: I wash and sometimes he helps fold but HE irons
Who does the dishes: mostly the girls but we both do them pretty often
Who pays the bills: me
His guilty pleasure: a weekly haircut and dark chocolate M&Ms
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: I do
Who mows the lawn: He does unless he is away and then I do
Who has more friends: hard to say but I think he has more unless you count all of my online buddies
Besides you who is his best friend: Probably Chris and Craig
Who cooks dinner: me
Who is more stubborn: me
Who kissed who first: He kissed me
Who asked who out first: He asked me 
What was your first date: A concert and pizza after
Who proposed: He did
Who has more siblings: He does, I'm an only
What is your favorite thing about him: His faithfulness to me and our family.  He works hard everyday not only to make sure we are taken care of materially but emotionally as well.  He's my best friend and I feel like a large part of me is missing when his job forces him to be away. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you are the last woman left in the world to say something nice about men.
