My fourth with Fifths :(
Gracie's mangoes in my kitchen sink
My poor baby girl has what our doctor friends call a "textbook case" of Fifths disease. You cannot really tell from the picture but her little cheeks are bright red and swollen. She is feeling pretty crummy. Fifths is a typical childhood illness in the line with measles and roseola. It is a virus so there is not much we can do for it except let it run its course. Gracie told me today that she would be very glad when the rash goes away so that her cheeks would not be so fluffy anymore. When she first broke out with the rash we all thought it might be an allergic reaction from the huge number of mangoes she has consumed lately. This would have been truly tragic. Gracie LOVES Mangoes! The trees grow in our yard and all over the neighborhood and they have produced a bumper crop this year! Gracie goes out daily and comes home with a sack full of mangoes for our collection. The neighbors have even started paying her to pick them up for them! I think Gracie is the only mango fan in the house, though she keeps trying to get the rest of us on board with her. They are yummy but hard to eat, they don't keep well and its very difficult cut enough of them up for use in recipes. Therefore I throw away about 6 a day because they are too ripe. I am kind enough to toss them while she is not nearby, she's very fond of her mangoes. Moments later she walks through the door with more~no need to worry about a mango shortage here!! Mangoes anyone?
Hi Gracie girl,
I'm so sorry that you have a horrible rash. It won't be long and your cheeks want be fluffy any more. Hope you are feeling better.
Glad the rash is not from the mangos.
we love you bunches and bunches.
M&M and Papa
I love mangos too. Hope you're feeling better Gracie. Love ya lots, aunt Lisa
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