Sunday, May 17, 2009

Where's That Gopher Wood I Ordered?

Here in Virginia it might be about time to start organizing an Ark building party.  It has rained, and rained, and rained....  I thought the phrase was "April showers bring May flowers".  If I remember correctly we had almost NO rain in April but May has more than compensated for any shortages in April.  As for the flowers, well there have been no shortages of those either.

I've never really had a garden before or even really any flower beds to speak of. Now that we live out here in the country I suppose I should do as the country folks do and grow stuff.  I hope I'm not generalizing country folks too much. Don't you just think of growing stuff when you think of country living? So now I have a garden. We're growing beans, okra (or okry as they say here in the country), squash, carrots, green bell peppers and 'maters.  My bell peppers and tomatoes are growing in the Topsy Turvys hanging on the back porch.  Yep, I'm a sucker for an infomercial.

Before I started growing stuff I never really worried about the rain. I overheard people discuss it and thought it was because they did not have much else to chat about. Now I find myself concerned.  Has it rained too much? Will my beans drown? After two days of no rain, should I drag out the sprinklers?  Suddenly I'm looking up the weather on the internet!  My oh my how times have changed.  Somehow I never envisioned myself as someone who did much more than moan about the weather when it upset my plans for a day fun in the sun.

When we moved into this house we noticed some overgrown flower beds.  In our efforts to fit into our country lifestyle like sausage gravy on a biscuit we went to work weeding said flower beds.  It took several days of fighting with stubborn roots and squealing at huge spiders. We learned first hand about earthworms, ticks and farmers tans. 
All of our hard work paid off when we stood our dirty selves up and realized that we had roses.
A little hard work and a lot of rain pays off beautifully.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

We've had so much rain here in Oklahoma that I was pretty certain we'd need a boat instead of a car. David built me two very nice raised beds (in addition to the one I already had) but they are still empty because it's been too wet to plant. I'm hopeful that I can get that done this week.

I know precisely what you mean about the weather obsession. Growing up in southern California, I barely thought about weather. I found it rather amusing when I moved to Oklahoma and would hear people talking about it so much, especially when they'd say "sure do wish it would rain". I'd think, "why don't you just get out the hose and water stuff???". Now I understand. :)

Hope your garden does well and you enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor.
