Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Anti-Lollygag Day

Yesterday when I woke up it was like every other normal day in my life.  I had no special plans other than goofing off on Facebook, maybe a little laundry, cook supper and goof off some more on Facebook.  But something strange happened on my morning commute from the bed to the bathroom.  I saw grime.  There was nothing in particular about the grime.  It was the same grime that has been there for, ahem... ummm... I'm still thinking.... a long time.  As I was sitting in the bathroom (trying to be discreet here) I thought to myself that I should clean up the grime. After arguing with myself about it for a little while I finally submitted and cleaned up the mess.  Then I saw that the bathroom light fixture was dusty and that one of the bulbs was blown out.  So I took care of that.  While I was doing that I saw that the mirror needed cleaning.  So that got done too.  Before I realized it I had worked for 30 minutes in the bathroom.  Maybe I inhaled too much Windex fumes but I began formulate a plan for the day.  If I see something that needs doing, I should just do it.  No more lollygagging.  No more telling myself that I would get to it later, just do it.  Man O Man, what was I thinking?!  I stayed busy ALL DAY LONG!  There are spots in my house that have never been cleaner or more organized.  The funny thing is that if you were to survey the house it looks like nothing has changed.  Maybe if I had an anti -lollygag day once a week someone would eventually notice a difference. I know that I would be happy enough for FlyLady to inspect my coat closet and silverware drawer and that is what matters.  Finally when it came time to cook supper I said "ENOUGH!" and I made the girls wash the dishes. A gal can only go for so long without Facebook time! 

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