Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Grand Tour

As of yesterday the mighty USS San Antonio was supposed to have left on its maiden deployment.  As I said, supposed to have.  It didn't.  But it will.  They just had a little set back with the hardware.  So before too long we will bid farewell to daddy.  I thought I would take you on a little tour of where he will be living during his time away.  Don't get too excited, it's a short tour.

Here's his state room in all of its glory.  Gracie and Abs are sitting on his bed/couch.  There is another bunk above them but it mostly serves as storage.  Lee's back is facing the camera and to the right of him is the bathroom that he shares with the air boss whose room is on the other side.

Vanity area where he shaves and washes his hands.

Caitlin is sitting at his desk.  A bunch of chaplain stuff gets done at that desk.
This is also where all those emails home will get sent from.

Here's the sailor in his get up.  I insisted we have a family portrait done before he leaves and he was a good sport. What a guy!
I know this post will inevitably bring up a few questions, so I'll address the ones I can think of right now.
  1. Q. When is he leaving? A. Soon.
  2. Q. Where is he going? A. Away.  I can let you know where they have been after they leave but even I won't know where they are while they are there.
  3.  How long will he be gone? A. A long time.  Average deployments are anywhere from 6 months to a year.  When he gets home you'll be among the first to know, I promise.
  4. Q. Can he communicate with us?  Absolutely.  His email address is   email him as much as you want to.  He will appreciate hearing from home.  Just remember not to ask any of the above questions.  Also he has a snail mail address that I can give you by way of email.  This is for packages, letters and cards etc... I can hint that he would love to get a package of goodies for himself and to share at Thanksgiving and Christmas time.  Email me or leave me a comment asking for the address and I will happily send it right out.
  5. Q. WIll Lee be in danger? A. Well, he is in the military and there is a certain amount of danger assumed.  All I can say is that your prayers are coveted.  
  6. Q. Will you and the girls be ok with Lee gone?  A. We'll get by.   We plan to do alot of visiting, but there will definitely be a void in our lives for a little while.  Pray for us and for Lee.  Your prayers and encouragement are what will get us through and it is appreciated more than we can express.  Thank you!


Carolina Girl said...

Tell Lee we said to have a safe trip and he will be in our prays!

jaci said...

He's one sharp looking Navy Chaplain, Rebecca. You have my prayers (well, so does Lee). Thank you for such a personal touch and insight into the lives of our military heroes. {{{HUGS}}} to all of you. And I'm glad the departure was delayed. :)

Carolina Girl said...

Well I meant prayers! The brain might be a little fried....sorry! But you get it right!

Beth said...

I hope your husband has a safe trip! You and your family will be in my prayers.

My husband travels for business during the week. I understand how hard it is to do everything by yourself with and for the children. At least I know my husband is coming home each week though. Tonight in fact! I can only imagine how hard a year away would be for the family. ((hugs))

Stephanie said...

Wow that is a long time to be apart, I commend you for keeping it together.

I'll keep him in prayer and you too.
