Thursday, March 19, 2009

Farm Girls

Sing with me now: Hooome, home on the peanut patch, where the girls and the weiner dog play, where seldom is heard, an intelligent word and the skies have been cloudy for days!

It has literally rained here for a solid week.  Today is the first day in a while that we've seen the sun for any amount of time.  Not too long after this picture was taken it started raining again and the temperature plummeted.

We took advantage of our few hours of sunshine to get outside. The girls are breaking up the ground and cleaning out the raised bed so that we can plant some early peas. We have a long way to go yet.

Abbie kept the dogs busy and out of range of the hoes by throwing the ball over and over and over and over.

Abs and her best bud Wrigley

1 comment:

Deanna said...

As soon as we get back from New Orleans, this is what we are going to be doing. David said he would build me two more raised beds.

It appears that your soil must be a lot different than ours. If we had a week of rain here it would be so muddy you couldn't begin to work it. In fact, even though it's been exceptionally dry all winter, just the one day of steady, light rain yesterday left our heavy, clay soil rather muddy. On the other hand, I grew up in the desert where we could have an occasional flash flood with water running in the streets, only to have it perfectly dry later that day. *grin*
